Transport and Trade news

Daily update on Regional border crossings – provided by the company Milsped

In these difficult times when the world is challenged and many countries are fighting against COVID-19, we understand the importance of regional cooperation, as well as the importance of fast flow of relevant information significant for all affected countries.

Due to the fact that many border crossings are being closed and that the transport sector is under enormous pressure, in the pdf document provided by Milsped Group, you may find the latest information regarding the current situation at border crossings.

Milsped Group is a market leader in the field of transport and logistics, operating for more than 25 years. They continue to expand their network and connect various dots on the map of the world. Their story began in Belgrade and today they have the following company offices – 46 branches in Serbia, 6 in Montenegro, 3 in Bosnia, 3 in Albania, 3 in Slovenia, 2 in Croatia and 1 in Russia, USA, China and Greece. Milsped company with over 2,500 employees, and an annual income of 200.000.000 euros, with 40.082t of goods transported monthly, delivers responsible, top-quality services to meet the clients’ needs and is constantly innovating the processes within the logistics chain that connects all corners of the world.

We are grateful that they have dedicated their resources in this time of crisis to inform us, two times a day, on the status of border crossings in the Western Balkans region and the EU.

06.01.2023 – reporting time 08:00 (version in the Serbian language)

06.01.2023 – reporting time 08:00 (version in English language)

Joint proposal prepared by TCT and CEFTA Secretariats to facilitate transport and trade within the Western Balkans

The Transport Community Permanent Secretariat and CEFTA Secretariat proposed a set
of measures to support the Western Balkans partners but also the EU Member States to cope with transport and trade challenges linked to the outbreak of the COVID-19 disease.

The text of the proposal can be accessed via the following link  TCT/CEFTA joint proposal.

Monitoring of the Transport situation in the Western Balkans by TCT Secretariat

The Permanent Secretariat of the Transport Community on 16th of March 2020 started to monitor travel restrictions established by different partners in South East Europe (including EU Member States) as one of the measures aimed at stopping the spread of COVID-19 in the region.

Due the spreading of the disease in the region, different governments started introducing very strong measures that are largely affecting transport and trade in the region.

The role of the Secretariat is to provide the public and especially businesses, with an overview of the situation (administration – citizens – business). Updated information on the current situation in the Western Balkans will be available daily at 14.30h on the TCT website.

COVID-19: CEFTA updates

The outbreak of the COVID-19 demands a coordinated and proactive approach of all stakeholders to mitigate the trade implications in the CEFTA. The CEFTA Secretariat will regularly compile and disseminate information about the trade measures imposed as regards the COVID-19 and other relevant information, in order to support the CEFTA region.

Information on trade restrictions concerning the COVID-19 oubreak as wel as information on IntraCEFTA border/customs crossing points open for transport of goods can be found on the CEFTA website.

Observatory on Border Crossings Status (IRU and UNECE)

In partnership with the International Road Transport Union (IRU) on the COVID-19 pandemic, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has launched an Observatory on Border Crossings Status. Information available on the platform is sourced and updated directly by countries, the European Commission as well as the IRU.

Observatory on Border Crossings Status is created as respond to COVID-19, with a view to:

– Keeping cross-border logistics flows open, giving priority to essential goods like medical supplies and food

– Implementing measures in a coordinated and unified way

– Clearly communicating changes on enforcement procedures for vehicles, drivers and cargo at borders

On the official website of IRU you can find their reaction on current situation and under Flash info they provide COVID-19 information updated in real-time.

European Commission's transport measures and response to Coronavrius (COVID-19)

The European Commission as response to COVID-19 pandemic provided information regarding their Member States announced restrictions to transport. Fully list by country is updated regularly, as information becomes available. Mentioned information and also measures implemented or announced by non-EU Member States (UK, Norway and Switzerland) you can find here.

European Commission Guidelines

European Commission Guidelines: Facilitating Air Cargo Operations during COVID-19 outbreak

Continued and uninterrupted air cargo services are vital for the economy and for fighting COVID-19, and European and global supply chains depend on them being operated unhindered.

Recommended operational measures to ensure the continuity of air cargo operations can be find in Communication from the European Commission (26.03.2020).

European Commission will continue to monitor the situation, and will provide further guidance, as appropriate.

Other useful links (Transport)

Daily update on Regional border crossings – provided by the company Milsped

In these difficult times when the world is challenged and many countries are fighting against Corona Virus COVID 19, we understand the importance of regional cooperation, as well as the importance of fast flow of relevant information significant for all affected countries.

Due to the fact that many crossing borders between countries are being closed and that the transport sector is under enormous pressure, in the pdf document provided by Milsped, you may find the latest information regarding current situation at the border crossings.

Milsped Group is the market leader in the field of transport and logistics, operating for more than 25 years, and continues to expand its network and join various dots on the map of the world. Their story began in Belgrade and today they are having company offices at 46 branches in Serbia, 6 in Montenegro, 3 in Bosnia, 3 in Albania, 3 in Slovenia, 2 in Croatia and 1 in Russia, USA, China and Greece. Milsped company with over 2,500 employees, with annual income of 200.000.000 euros, and 40.082t of goods transported monthly, delivers responsible, top-quality services to meet the clients’ needs and constantly innovating the processes within the logistics chain that connects all corners of the world.

   07.08.2020 – reporting time 08:00 (version in Serbian language)

   07.08.2020 – reporting time 08:00 (version in English language)

Joint proposal prepared by TCT and CEFTA Secretariats to facilitate transport and trade within the Western Balkans

The Transport Community Permanent Secretariat and CEFTA Secretariat proposed a set
of measures to support the Western Balkans partners but also the EU Member States to cope with transport and trade challenges linked to the outbreak of the COVID-19 disease.

The text of the proposal can be accessed via the following link  TCT/CEFTA joint proposal.

Monitoring of the Transport situation in the Western Balkans by TCT Secretariat

The Permanent Secretariat of the Transport Community on 16th of March 2020 started to monitor travel restrictions established by different partners in South East Europe (including EU Member States) as one of the measures aimed at stopping the spread of COVID-19 in the region.

Due the spreading of the disease in the region, different governments started introducing very strong measures that are largely affecting transport and trade in the region.

The role of the Secretariat is to provide the public and especially businesses, with an overview of the situation (administration – citizens – business). Updated information on the current situation in the Western Balkans will be available daily at 14.30h on the TCT website.

COVID-19: CEFTA updates

The outbreak of the COVID-19 demands a coordinated and proactive approach of all stakeholders to mitigate the trade implications in the CEFTA. The CEFTA Secretariat will regularly compile and disseminate information about the trade measures imposed as regards the COVID-19 and other relevant information, in order to support the CEFTA region.

Information on trade restrictions concerning the COVID-19 oubreak as wel as information on IntraCEFTA border/customs crossing points open for transport of goods can be found on the CEFTA website.

Observatory on Border Crossings Status (IRU and UNECE)

In partnership with the International Road Transport Union (IRU) on the COVID-19 pandemic, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has launched an Observatory on Border Crossings Status. Information available on the platform is sourced and updated directly by countries, the European Commission as well as the IRU.

Observatory on Border Crossings Status is created as respond to COVID-19, with a view to:

– Keeping cross-border logistics flows open, giving priority to essential goods like medical supplies and food

– Implementing measures in a coordinated and unified way

– Clearly communicating changes on enforcement procedures for vehicles, drivers and cargo at borders

On the official website of IRU you can find their reaction on current situation and under Flash info they provide COVID-19 information updated in real-time.

European Commission's transport measures and response to Coronavrius (COVID-19)

The European Commission as response to COVID-19 pandemic provided information regarding their Member States announced restrictions to transport. Fully list by country is updated regularly, as information becomes available. Mentioned information and also measures implemented or announced by non-EU Member States (UK, Norway and Switzerland) you can find here.

European Commission Guidelines

European Commission Guidelines: Facilitating Air Cargo Operations during COVID-19 outbreak

Continued and uninterrupted air cargo services are vital for the economy and for fighting COVID-19, and European and global supply chains depend on them being operated unhindered.

Recommended operational measures to ensure the continuity of air cargo operations can be find in Communication from the European Commission (26.03.2020).

European Commission will continue to monitor the situation, and will provide further guidance, as appropriate.

Other useful links (Transport)