08 Oct
FTC invites you – Second International Logistics Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina The Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina is...
FTC invites you – Second International Logistics Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina The Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina is...
Western Balkans SMEs at SAIE - The Building Fair. Design, Construction, Plant Engineering in Bologna Organized by the Western Balkans 6...
Business Forum: 10 years Berlin Process – The Western Balkans as an economic area on the way to the EU WB6...
Contest for WB6 CIF Collective Trademark Name and Design WB6 CIF is a regional association of national chambers of commerce and...
Why Participation in Programs Designed for Western Balkans SMEs is Essential Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of innovation,...
Business Forum Invitation 10 Years Berlin Process – The Western Balkans as an Economic Area on the Way to the EU The...
The Role of Communication in International Trade: Insights from the Kosova Chamber of Commerce Training Day The Kosova Chamber of Commerce,...
Invitation – Technical Assistance program for entering the European and global markets WB6 CIF invites small and medium companies (SMEs) from...
EU - WB6 CHAMBERS` ACADEMY “Development of Services Supporting Integration of Local SMEs into the EU Single Market” Thessaloniki, Greece May 29th –...