Invitation for companies – ICS2 Workshop 25 april 2023

Invitation for companies – ICS2 Workshop 25 april 2023

The Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum, in cooperation with the CEFTA Secretariat and Directorate-General Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD) are organizing a workshop on 25 April 2023, starting at 10:00, to discuss on the specificities of the ICS2 system, and the obligations for the economic operators from the WB region.

The European Union is implementing a new customs pre-arrival security and safety programme, underpinned by a large-scale advance cargo information system – Import Control System 2 (ICS2). The programme is one of the main contributors towards establishing an integrated EU approach to reinforce customs risk management under the common risk management framework (CRMF).

During the Workshop, DG TAXUD experts will elaborate on the general description and purpose of ICS2, timeline for its implementation, data requirements, filing requirements, the link with NCTS and other Customs IT systems and the legal framework.

The working language of the Workshop will be English and it will be organized online via following link:

The event is intended for express carriers and postal operators; air carriers and freight forwarders; operators carrying goods on maritime and inland waterways and roads and railways into the EU; any other operator interested in the EU’s deployment of ICS2.

More information about event you can find in the invitation letter and agenda.

We invite companies to actively participate in the Workshop, and if you have any particular questions you would like to raise during the Q&A session, we kindly ask you to share them ahead of the meeting, on the following mail –


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