Meeting of representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and Kosovo Chamber of Commerce with the aim of improving bussines cooperation
The delegations of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia held a successful bilateral meeting within the EU project „EU support to the WB6 CIF“, in Podgorica on the 2nd of February as a part of the 24th session of the WB6 CIF Managing Board. The meeting was held in order to monitor future joint activities within the EU project. The inter-chamber dialogue is a process launched in 2013 between the two chambers in order to support the efforts of the inter-chamber dialogue to promote more business cooperation.
The inter-chamber dialogue covers issues related to movement of goods and services, promotion of cooperation between the two business communities and cooperation between the two chambers. Both chambers agreed to cooperate in the upcoming period in order to successfully fulfil the activities within the project that covers 2 meetings on topics that are important for business community and one business forum. The idea of business forum is to gather companies from business communities that are strongly interested in having more incentive and predictable business environment.
The importance of bussines cooperation and inter chamber daialogue was pointed out at the meeting, as well as the need for chambers to cooperate more closely in order to fully use the potential of bussines cooperation.