In organization of Union of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Albania, implemented within the regional Project “EU Support to the WB6 CIF” with a presence of more than 50 participants an info day with main topic “Electronic Commerce” was successfully held.

At the very beginning participants were welcomed by Ms Ines Mucostepa, President of the Union of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Albania, with introductory remarks and presentation about the implementation of WB6 CIF and CRM activities. Introductory remarks  were also  given by Mr Besart Kadia, Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Finance and Economy.

Followed presentations of the participants related to the purpose and objectives of the meeting focusing on the importance of regional cooperation and implementation of CRM AP, moderated by Gerti Boshnjaku, Albanian Tech Platform Leader.

Ms Arjana Dyrmishi, Director of Directorate for Economic Policy Development at the Ministry of Finance and Economy held presentation about regional e-commerce development initiatives in the framework of CRM AP implementation. After this presentation followed presentation by Ms Olivera Ceni, responsible for customs e-commerce in CEFTA with main topic about “CEFTA and E-commerce: Perspectives”.

After all the presentations, a panel discussion followed. The event ended with a joint lunch where the participants had the opportunity to network and exchange experiences.


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