Regional economic cooperation must continue with an accelerated pace – conclusions from the 5th Common regional market coordinators meeting

Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum Secretary General Tatjana Shterjova Dushkovska presented the key deliverables in the current year and the main milestones in the implementation of the Common Regional Market Action Plan, that the WB6 CIF has set for 2022, on the 5th Common regional market coordinators meeting, held in Tirana/hybrid.
Ms. Shterjova Dushkovska elaborated on the plans for continuing the implementation of the Regional Supplier Development programme, which will mark the completion of the mapping of existing and potential suppliers from the Western Balkans region, which are already available in the Supply chain module within the Market Access Database, the launching of the Market Intelligence Database, the plans for finalization of the Regional Supply Chain Protocol, which will aggregate the efforts of all stakeholders in the in enhancing supplier linkages and opportunities for domestic suppliers between Western Balkans Six, and the plans for continuing the joint participation of WB6 SMEs in three fairs/business events and B2B events, organised to facilitate linkages within supply chain.
Regional economic cooperation must continue with an accelerated pace, despite the delays during 2021, was the joint position reached at the meeting, amongst the Regional cooperation council, the CEFTA Secretariat, the Common regional market coordinators from the WB national economies, the European Comission, the Transport Community and the WB6 CIF.

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