Successful implementation of the Conference and B2B meetings – “Construction and Infrastructure in the Western Balkan 6”
The Conference and B2B meetings – “Construction and Infrastructure in the Western Balkan 6” in organization of the Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum (WB6 CIF) within the project „EU support to the WB6 CIF“, Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with chambers in the region and Enterprise Europe Network, was successfully held on 15th and 16th September 2021 in Sarajevo.
The event was organized with the aim to bring together companies in order to improve conditions for increasing business opportunities in the WB6 region. Moreover, this activity gathered together all relevant stakeholders in this field and emphasized the importance of the circular economy.
President of the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Ahmet Egrlic noted that the biggest problem in the construction industry is the resettlement of the young people, the very long process of waiting for building permits, and also recognition of various certificates and diplomas.
For conference purposes, the Regional Centre for Economic Analysis prepared a Study containing key indicators for construction and infrastructure of the Western Balkans 6 which shows that the Construction and Real Estate sectors play an important role in the Western Balkans, accounting for 12.7% of Gross Value Added (GVA) and create more than 400,000 direct jobs in the region.
According to data, exports and imports of the construction products achieved a growing trend. Western Balkans recorded trade deficit in construction products. Main exporting construction products are structural metal products and products of wood, cork, straw and plaiting materials (more than 77% of construction products export). Main products on import side are products of wood, cork, straw and plaiting materials and structural metal products (more than 64% of construction products import). Observed by individual countries, the main Western Balkans export trading partners for construction products are Croatia (12%), Turkey (9%), Romania (7%) and Italy (7%). The main partners on the import side are Germany, Croatia, Austria and Italy.
Western Balkans in trade of construction services was realised surplus (the largest in 2015 – 145 EUR million). From 2015 the surplus of construction services was declining and in the last year, 2020, surplus was turned into a deficit of 4,1 EUR million.
Infrastructure projects in construction sectors are related to regional projects in the transport infrastructure (highway corridors, rehabilitation of roads, bridges). The main completed regional projects are in the fields of Energy, Environment, Private Sector Development and Transport.
More information related to key indicators could be found in the Study below.