4th Western Balkans Digital Summit 2021 – Invitation for small companies (start-ups) from Western Balkans Six region to participate in the regional cooperation program free of charge
Western Balkans Six Chamber Investment Forum(WB6 CIF) invites small companies (start-ups) from Western Balkans Six region to participate in the regional cooperation program that will be conducted as a side event during the 4th Western Balkans Digital Summit 2021 which will be held in hybrid form through online sessions and high-level meetings in Podgorica, Montenegro from October 11th 2021 until October 13th 2021. This event is bringing together representatives from governments, businesses, regional organizations, CSOs, academia and youth with the goal to set up a digital platform for exchanging of ideas and proposals.
With the support of the European Commission 30 selected legal entities from the WB6 region (5 companies per economy) will have the chance to participate in a tailor-made programme in Podgorica,free of charge.
What can you get from this program?
• Practical training for companies to guide them through the process of successful implementation of the start-up project, with well experienced trainers (topics – most common organizational issues, access to finance, how to promote your services/products, etc)
• Participation of companies in the Digital Summit 2021 live-streamed panel discussion with relevant stakeholders from the region (topics – availabe funds supporting innovative small companies and start-ups, institutional support, presentation of good practices from the region, etc)
• Participation of companies in the joint workshop tackling most common mistakes made by start-ups and small companies in the region with practical advices how to overcome them
• Media coverage:
o preparation of joint digital catalogue of all companies/solutions presentation, based on the materials received from companies
o promotion of selected companies/IT solutions, on social networks and during different events organized by WB6 CIF and relevant chambers, after the Digital summit, through the network of more than 350.000 companies from the Western Balkans region represented by WB6 CIF
• Free participation in Western Balkans Digital Summit Virtual booths that will be available to wider public and online B2B events organized during WB6 Digital Summit.Virtual booths enable online presentation of companies to the interested parties and all companies will have time slots for presenting their IT solutions/products.
• All travel costs to/from Podgorica, hotel costs and catering will be covered
Are you eligible?
• You are based in one of 6 Western Balkans economies: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia
• You are registered as micro or small company
• You have an annual turnover of up to €1 million
• You have been in business for less than 5 years
• You have developed IT solution that makes your business scalable
• The enterprise’s main areas of activity fall under any business area Priority will be given to solutions (products and services) that have direct use and implementation potentials in following sectors:
o light manufacturing (including electrical and electronic systems and elements of electronic and electrical systems),
o automotive industry (including devices and components for the automotive industry-plastics, rubber, machinery/equipment)
o agro-food
o circular economy (please bear in mind that circular economy is more horizontal approach than sectoral as are light manufacturing, automotive, agrofood, and besides, available data are limited in WB6)
Do you fit the profile?
• You have already developed an IT solution with competitive advantage and a strong market opportunity potential
• You would like to extend your network of partners from the Western Balkans region
• You are ready and open to exchange ideas and experience with colleagues from the region
Deadline for submitting your applications and supporting documents is September 20th 2021. The list of selected companies will be available by September 21st 2021.In case of any additional questions please contact Ms. Marija Askovic-Matic via e-mail: marija.askovic@wb6cif.eu
Apply here.
Working language during the event is English.