Online workshop – Conducting successful B2B business communication

Learn strategies and techniques that will help you to make an impact and close the business. After a two-day workshop, participants will:

• be able to recognize the interlocutor’s communication style and how to adapt to it
• learn how to prepare for an interview with a potential client and understand his needs
• learn the elements of a successful business presentation
• understand what a developmental mental attitude is and how it is created
• learn advanced communication techniques that will raise their credibility and create trust with the interlocutor
• get useful tips for preparing and conducting B2B meetings in a virtual environment

Participation in the online workshop is free of charge, the application is open to all interested members of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and partner chambers within the Western Balkans Chamber Investment Forum (WB6 CIF).

The activities of the joint association are aimed at coordinating activities for establishing common regional market with full implementation of the four EU freedoms (freedom of movement of people, goods, services and capital), strengthening production and export capacities and reducing the operating costs of companies in region.The online workshop is held through the Zoom platform, registration for the event is done electronically, by registering via the following link: 
The link for the online workshop will be received by e-mail after filling in the registration application, while the final agenda and presentations of the lecturers will be sent to the registered participants two days before the workshop.

The two-day online workshop (webinar) is organized within EU funded project “Support to the WB6 CIF”



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