Constitutive session of the Business Council of the WB6 CIF

WB6 CIF Managing Board announced a Constitutive session of the Business Council that is to be held at the beginning of November. Representatives of 16 companies operating in the Western Balkans Region together with WB6 CIF Management Board members and representatives of the governments, will join activities in order to create more conducive business environment and remove barriers in the region.
Business Council will also enable dialogue between the Western Balkans business community and EU decision-makers in order to enable faster integration of the region into the EU common market through an inclusive approach to enlargement.
Activities of the Business Council will be a part of the EU project related to Activity 1.2 “Establishing platform for EU-WB6 business dialogue” related to:

  • Setting up the Platform for EU-WB6 business dialogues (ECH) with the main purpose to facilitate dialogue between EU policy makers and WB6 business community
  • Identifying problems that businesses are faced with and propose concrete solutions. The platform would also generate recommendations and provide valuable input to different EU policies and foster integration of the Western Balkans in EU policy-making.


Members of the WB6 Business Council are following 16 companies:

  • Balfin Group (Albania)
  • Agna Group (Albania)
  • Infosoft Group (Albania)
  • MS Wood (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
  • Sarajevski kiseljak (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
  • Mikroelektronika (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
  • Devolli corporation (Kosovo)
  • ALBI Group (Kosovo)
  • Voli (Montenegro)
  • Trebjesa (Montenegro)
  • Portonovi (Montenegro)
  • Alkaloid (North Macedonia)
  • M6/Tikveš (North Macedonia)
  • Elixir Group (Serbia)
  • Nelt Group (Serbia)
  • Milšped Group (Serbia)
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