The Single Market as an instrument for economic recovery

European economy is highly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. It is a high time to find out the way how to cope with existing and upcoming crisis. Europe should find potential solutions to reinvigorate its economy and to avoid a period of low growth and companies running into trouble. EUROCHAMBRES’ input for the EU Recovery Roadmap / Action Plan, underlines the need to reduce bureaucracy and simplify complex and different administrative procedures and rules.

In the EUROCHAMBRES interview, the CEO of the Finish Chamber of Commerce, Juho Romakkaniemi and the CEO of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Marko Čadež, co-chairs of EUROCHAMBRES Single Market Committee, weigh up the EU’s options and look to the future.

President Čadež emphasised the role of Chambers of Commerce in the economic recovery. The major battle in the economic field is the battle to preserve jobs and maintain liquidity, especially of the most vulnerable business, SMEs. In his opinion this crisis has changed, and will change every aspect of doing business, customer habits, communication and etc. Digitalisation and adapting to new conditions is crucial. Companies should start redesigning existing digital tools, and adapting business processes and models to the new circumstances and needs of buyers and clients.

Mr Romakkaniemi stressed his belief that political leaders realize that no country can act on its own to contain the consequences of this crisis. In his own words, now is the time to put a robust recovery plan in place. Unprecedented times require unedited responses. The prosperity of future generations and the success of our continent depends on the policy response to the crisis of today.

Full interview could be found here.

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