Easier access to EU protective equipment for the Western Balkans

The European Union has approved the export of medical protective equipment to the Western Balkans without the prior authorization of Member States. The decision was published today in the Official Journal of the EU with application to start from 26 April.

The WB6 Chamber Investment Forum earlier appealed to the European Commission, in a letter sent on March 23 by the President of the WB6 Managing Board Marko Cadez addressed to European Commission President Ursula von der Lajen and European Commissioners for Trade and Enlargement Phil Hogan and Olivér Várhelyi, to exclude the Western Balkans from the pre-authorization process and so ease the export of medical protective equipment from the EU to the Western Balkans region.

Foreign ministers of the Western Balkans region addressed the same proposal to the European Union in April. The same initiative had earlier also been proposed by members of the influential European Parliament Committee on International Trade (INTA) and other MEPs.



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