Information about the GIZ-ORF funded project “Increasing Export Potentials of SMEs in the Western Balkans 6 (WB6) Region”

This project is in line with the intervention areas I (Trade) and II (Investment) of the Multi-annual Action Plan for a Regional Economic Area in the Western Balkans (MAP), which has been defined in the framework of the Berlin Process, where the creation of regional value-chains has been defined as one goal.
The goal of the project is: the SMEs from the region use the improved service offer of WB6 CIF Chambers of commerce for enhancing their export capacities.
This project will be implemented in three working packages:

1. Capacity needs analysis of the chambers’ service offer for export

  • Identification of successfully implemented advisory and information services of Chambers and their individual needs for new or extended services
  • Building on SIPPO’s assessment where applicable


2. Establishment of an internal Chamber Information Exchange Platform

  • Provides experiences, best practices, tools and lessons learnt
  • Can be used to exchange documents established in this project and in future Cooperation


3. Peer learning

  • Implementation of new service offers in chambers (tools, training concepts, advisory services) – based on existing offers of other chambers
  • Chambers with requested experience and know-how provide documentation and support to other chamber(s) in need for these skills.



Current status of the project

The Information Exchange Platform as an internal communication tool has been developed within the Project and is fully operational. It is used for internal communication (via existing features), informing (on future events and fairs) and sharing (e.g. export promotion tools, relevant documents) among members of WB6 CIF. Training on the Export Readiness Assessment tool has been completed. The assessments of the WB6 companies through the tailor-made questionnaires has been finished and regional assessment is available. “Guideline for Export of Processed Fruit and Vegetable Products from Western Balkan Countries to the European Union” is available online and in hard copy in WB languages and in English. During the International agriculture fair in Novi Sad workshop with WB6 CIF chambers and six companies (one from each country) was held.

Project documents

Project pubblications

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