Strengthening Regional Business Voices: WB6 CIF and CEFTA Join Forces in Brussels

On April 27th in Brussels, Mr. Lulzim Rafuna, Chairman of the Managing Board of the Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum, and Ms. Danijela Gačević, Acting Director of the CEFTA Secretariat, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the aim to enhance cooperation with businesses and strengthen their role in regional economic integration.

This agreement sets a foundation for strengthened cooperation and information sharing that will foster the creation of a Regional Common Market under the auspices of the Berlin Process.

The establishment of the mutual framework for cooperation aims to improve mutual coordination, efficiency and effectiveness in the areas of common interest – advancement of the regional economic integration through the Common Regional Market, support to the timely and effective implementation of the New Growth Plan for the Western Balkans and to the enhancement of the convergence between the Western Balkans and the European Union – through:

  • the facilitation of trade and removal of non-tariff barriers to trade, and
  • the promotion and facilitation of trade in services and goods in CEFTA 2006 for the purpose of deepening regional economic integration through the Common Regional Market.

“Businesses need to keep seeing real improvements on field each and every day, and in order to achieve this, strong partnerships, like the one we have had with the CEFTA secretariat for years, are crucial. We commend their work in trade facilitation, and look forward to keep expanding our cooperation, in order to have swifter and more efficient trade in the region,” said Lulzim Rafuna, WB6 CIF Chairman.

Together we are stronger in investing efforts not only in promoting trade in goods and services but strengthening the voices of our businesses in the Western Balkans. By integrating their needs and challenges into our policies and initiatives, we are fostering a truly business-oriented environment. This is a cooperation that stands with the businesses, for the businesses. Therefore, we are committed to unlocking new opportunities and drive positive change for businesses and people across the Western Balkans, stated Acting Director of CEFTA Danijela Gačević.

Recognizing the significance of mutual cooperation, WB6 CIF and CEFTA Secretariat pledge to collaborate in various areas. This includes strengthening public-private dialogue to advance the development and monitor the implementation of the Common Regional Market Action Plan and the CEFTA framework, ultimately contributing to the formation of the Common Regional Market. They also commit to promoting available instruments and mechanisms provided by CEFTA to private sector economic operators, maximizing the benefits of intra-CEFTA business operations. Furthermore, both parties will support digitalization and the utilization of digital tools for conducting business within CEFTA. Additionally, they aim to develop other joint interests that contribute to establishing the Common Regional Market as a stepping stone to full EU membership.

Together, we’re dedicated to amplifying the voices of businesses across the region, ensuring they’re not just heard, but actively involved in shaping the future.


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