The European Commission on 9 November 2023 adopted the new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, with the stated intention to bring some of the benefits of membership to the region in advance of accession, boosting economic growth and accelerating socio-economic convergence.

Currently, the level and speed of convergence between the Western Balkan partners and the EU is not satisfactory – either in terms of reform processes or of socio-economic convergence – and is holding back their progress on the EU track. Integration with the EU’s single market has been the main driver of economic growth for all countries that joined the EU. For countries on the path to EU accession, closer association with the EU’s single market would bring benefits that could be felt directly by their citizens. Providing the Western Balkans with more opportunities for closer links to the EU’s single market is a key rationale of the growth plan.

With the aim to bring the specificities of the four pillar of the Growth plan closer to the businesses from the Western Balkans region, and discuss on the issues what concrete benefits is New Growth Plan bringing to companies in Western Balkans and what should companies do to adjust and prepare well for these opportunities, the Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum, in cooperation with European Commission (Directorate-General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) and the CEFTA Secretariat, is organizing a Round table on the topic: New Growth Plan – Opportunities for the Western Balkans Business Sector.

The Round table discussion will enjoin participants from DG NEAR, Western Balkans Investment Framework, members of the Managing Board of the WB6 CIF – presidents of chamber of commerce from the region, the CEFTA Secretariat, the Regional Cooperation Council, the Transport Community Secretariat and the Energy Community Secretariat.

The Round table is organized as a side event in the framework of CEFTA WEEK 2023 and it will be held on 5th December at 14:00h online.

Please register your participation via the following LINK and take active participation in the event.


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