Digitization will help the flow of goods to be faster, simpler and safer – Trainings for businesses for using the SEED+ system

During September and October 2023, the Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum in cooperation with the CEFTA Secretariat and the 6 chambers of commerce from the region (Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania, Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chamber of Commerce of Kosovo, Economic Chamber of North Macedonia, Chamber of Economy of Montenegro and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia), organized a series of SEED+ sensitization campaign and trainings for veterinary certificates SEED+/CEFTA TRACES NT (Trade Control and Expert System New Technology) software.

In the capitals of the 6 Western Balkans economies, but also on regional level throughout the economies, in a total of 24 events, more than 700 company representatives, jointly with the veterinary inspectors, had the opportunity to get comprehensive knowledge and practical skills required to skillfully use the SEED+ platform to facilitate trade in animals and animal products, while ensuring compliance with veterinary health and safety standards.

In each of the economies, the practical trainings provided thorough explanation of the software’s functioning, covering topics such shipment registration, certificate template administration, data entry of pertinent information, installation of required paperwork, and submission of requests for health certificates. The training’s broader focus included enhancing participants’ capacity to accurately assess the health state of animals or animal products destined for export or import, thereby contributing to the prevention of disease transmission and promoting food safety. Participants were be guided through the intricacies of different types of health certificates, specific requirements for various commodities, and the associated regulatory frameworks. Digitization of veterinary inspection processes brings efficiency, accuracy, and traceability – SEED+ simplifies the issuance of veterinary certificates, centralizes data storage, and provides invaluable support for risk management, which in turn, contributes significantly to safeguarding public health and safety.

“CEFTA TRACES NT enables the accurate and prompt exchange of veterinary certificates, effectively supports risk assessment and management, ensures a safer trading environment, reduces barriers, lowers costs, and expedites the movement of goods throughout CEFTA. I’m thrilled that the benefits of digitization in this sector will now be seen by our economic operators”, said Edna Karadza, SEED+ project manager.

“The future of trade in the region goes hand in hand with digitalization, and I am glad that during these two months jointly with the CEFTA Secretariat in all 6 Western Balkans economies we have conducted a series of practical training sessions to the benefit of economic operators across the region, with the aim of preparing them to navigate and utilize the SEED+ platform. This will mean swifter and more efficient regional trade, reduction of waiting times and costs, and another step forward towards achieving the “One region- One economy” goal for which WB6CIF stands for – stated Tatjana Shterjova Dushkovska, Secretary General, Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum (WB6CIF).

The series of trainings contributed to securing that businesses throughout the Western Balkans region have the expertise to navigate SEED+ / CEFTA TRACES efficiently, ensuring streamlined trade procedures, safeguarding animal and public health, and bolstering their roles as stakeholders in the regional trade.

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