Western Balkans automotive and metal industry companies at Hannover Fair 2023

Delegation consisted of companies from the automotive and metal industry from the Western Balkans region will participate at one of the world’s largest trade fairs – Hannover Messe 2023. The main overall goal of this participation is to connect manufacturers, TIER1&2 companies with potential investors and business partners from the EU (mainly Germany) and with relevant public institutions to support development of the automotive industry in the Western Balkans and create new supply chains including companies from WB6 region. Between April 17 and 21, 2023, investors from the German automotive and metal industries and other leading European markets will have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with companies and organizations from the Western Balkans and learn about investment opportunities and experiences in this region.

Stand E30 at Hall 02 will be the place where on 18th April, starting at 10 AM Western Balkans companies and automotive/metal associations will have short presentations and all interested visitors can come and see the potentials of Western Balkans automotive and metal industry. Dedicated short description of the Western Balkans automotive and metal industry companies which will participate at the Hannover fair, can be found on the WB6 CIF e-catalogue: https://ecatalogue.wb6cif.eu/automotive-and-metal-producers/.

As the peak event of WB6 CIF participation at Hannover Fair, Investment Conference 2023 will be held at Hall 19, room New York 2, on 19th of April starting at 11 AM. The event will gather German and European investors, with a view to presenting opportunities and benefits from investing in the region. The conference will seek to disseminate information on the investment framework, including benefits and opportunities of doing business in the Western Balkans region, but also showcase examples of successful investments to the region for the benefit of companies considering investments to the region. Additionally, it will also provide information on the Common Regional Market and the benefits and opportunities it offers to foreign investors in the short and medium term. Representatives of Foreign investment promotion agencies, AHKs, German Trade and Invest and leading companies investing in Western Balkans, with their presence will try to present comparative advantage of the WB6 region compared to other investments destination. Given the recent evolution of global supply chains, the Western Balkans region offers a unique advantage to investors, according to an economic study produced as part of the project: Geographic proximity to Germany, resource availability, a skilled workforce, and a favourable business climate make the Western Balkans an attractive destination for foreign investors.

We are glad to announce that Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum is the official partner of the Technology & Business Cooperation Days 2023. All representatives of the Western Balkans 6 automotive and metal industry which will be present at Hanover Fair, will participate at the four day long B2B meetings, starting from the 17th and ending on 20th of April 2023, while they also had the opportunity to held convenient online meetings with those companies and organizations, which could not attend fair personally (04. – 06. April 2023). Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum within EU funded project „Support ot the WB6 CIF“ provides all necessary support to regional companies during Hannover Fair and on this occasion invites interested companies to take part and use great opportunity to establish new international business contacts and find partners for upcoming European projects. The registration of participants is opened until 7th of April, and all interested parties could register by approaching the following link: https://technology-business-cooperation-days-2023.b2match.io/.

For any information you might need, please contact us via email: office@wb6cif.eu

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