5th Western Balkans Digital Summit Pristina 2022 – EU WB6 “DIGITAL SERVICES ACADEMY”

Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum (WB6 CIF), with the support of European Commission and in cooperation with Eurochambres, organizes the Academy on joint challenges for business in the region, with specific focus on European accession perspective and topics of interest for regional cooperation. In order to strengthen the role that the Chambers of Commerce play as business support providers to local businesses on important matters regarding SME competitiveness, the Action will support exchanges of best practices developed by the Chambers of Commerce in the EU member states and with relevant experts for different services, focusing on digitalized services as a tool and service for companies/customers. Chambers of Commerce in Western Balkans constantly follows market changes in order to improve the skills of their employees and provide best support to the local businesses.

The side event will be held from September 20th to 23rd in Brezovica Hotel and Spa. The main topic will be “EU and WB6 chambers digital services”, four days, five sessions and high-level speakers from the European Commission, EU member states, RCC, representatives of the Western Balkan countries, International Financial Institutions, renowned experts in the ICT sector, and representatives of the private sector.

The goal is to inspire new positive change and improve environment for doing business.

On May 17, 2018, at the Digital Assembly in Sofia, Bulgaria, the European Commission launched the Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans. This aims to support the transition of the region into a digital economy and bring the benefits of digital transformation, such as faster economic growth, more jobs, and better services. Part of the agenda is organizing the Western Balkans Digital Summit (WBDS), each year in different member’s capitals.

The 5th Western Balkans Digital Summit will be held on September 21st and 22nd, 2022, in Pristina.

The Ministry of Economy is organizing the event in association with all other public and private institutions, which are actively involved in transforming the country into a sustainable digital environment. The 5th edition of Digital Summit will be hosting high-level participants from the European Commission, EU member states, RCC, representatives of the Western Balkan countries, International Financial Institutions, renowned experts in the ICT sector, and representatives of the private sector. During sessions, very competent speakers will discuss about the challenges and latest developments on region and beyond.

Side Events
Youth and technology related competitions will bring the youngsters energy into the Summit. In addition, DS partners will bring their innovative events during the both days of Summit.

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