The twentieth session of the WB6 CIF Managing Board

At today’s session of the Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum (WB6 CIF) Managing Board, Marko Čadež’s, The President of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CCIS) and the Chairman of the Chamber Investment Forum Western Balkans 6, mandate was extended for another four years at position of the Chairman of the WB6 CIF Managing Board. The mandate of Deputy-Chairmen Branko Azeski, president of the Chamber of Commerce of Northern Macedonia, has also been extended.

Branko Azeski pointed out at the online session that the WB6 CIF is recognized as the first voice of the private sector from the Western Balkans, because it has a clear position, concept of future development and is recognizable on the business map of Europe as the most important voice of the business community in the region.

WB6 CIF is a joint initiative of chambers of commerce and industry from Western Balkan region that established a platform of cooperation in 2017 with the aim to provide a joint voice to the business community in the region and to facilitate inter-business contacts and promote the region as one investment destination. WB6 CIF represents around 350,000 companies, mostly small and medium-sized enterprises in its mission to open new opportunities for stronger networking of business communities within the region by removing the remaining obstacles to the development of the regional economic cooperation and improving business and investment climate in the markets of the WB region.

Members of the Managing Board of the WB6 CIF used the opportunity to invite small, micro and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) from the Western Balkans region to apply for the Program of support to provide technical assistance to micro, small and medium enterprises when applying for EU funds. The public call for the program to support micro, small and medium sized enterprises in applying for access to European Union funds, envisages the participation of 60 MSMEs from the Western Balkans (10 companies from each of the six economies). WB6 CIF Managing Board invites companies to enter the platform, which is specially designed for the implementation of this activity and for the selection of potential participants in the program. You can access the platform via the following link:

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