In organization of Economic Chamber of North Macedonia, as one of the founding chambers of commerce of the Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum (WB6 CIF), on 24th February was held online info event intended for informing export-oriented companies from North Macedonia about the current CIF activities of mapping Western Balkan suppliers.
The event was opened by Biljana Peeva-Djuric, Operations Director for Member Representation and Networking, who pointed out that within the Chamber Investment Forum (CIF), two digital platforms (Market access Database and Market Intelligence Database) have been developed that should make it easier for companies finding information on access to one of the other markets in the region, networking opportunities with new trade and business partners and joint participation in promotional events.
Presenters on this online event were Ms. Marija Askovic Matic, WB6 CIF Project Manager and Mr. Darko Lazarov, President of the Exporters’ Club of the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia.
Mr. Darko Lazarov presented the opportunities offered by the Market access Database platform and explained the manner and conditions for registration of all interested companies.
More than 2100 companies are currently registered on the platform, offering 2518 products and 886 services. The platform is an excellent digital tool for networking companies, especially in the area of supply chains, as well as for intensifying regional cooperation, pointed out Mr. Darko Lazarov.
Ms. Askovic Matic presented the other activities on which in the past period CIF in cooperation with WB6 worked intensively in order to create greater support to companies in the region. In the past two years, the events organized by WB6 CIF were attended by over 6000 participants in a total of 10 thematic seminars and trainings for companies, 10 info days, 2 major B2B events for construction and infrastructure and food processing and 2 major business events for networking.
Ms. Askovic Matic also presented the future activities and plans such as the upcoming Mostar Fair for agro-sector companies dealing with organic production and circular economy (5-7.4.2022) and the investment conference for the automotive industry and agro sector.

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