Economic Chamber of North Macedonia, as one of the founding chambers of commerce of the Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum (WB6 CIF), invites you to the online info event intended for informing export-oriented companies from North Macedonia about the current CIF activities of mapping Western Balkan suppliers. The event will be held on 24th February, at 12 p.m.

The event will present the activities and services of the WB6 chambers of commerce, namely the two digital platforms (Market Access Database and Market Intelligence Database) that are expected to facilitate the search for information of the companies on access to the regional markets, provide opportunities for networking with new trade and business partners, and ensure joint participation in promotional events. Moreover, this event will be used to familiarize the companies with every activity the Chamber Investment Forum plans by the end of 2022, taking part in fairs, B2B-meetings, technical support, etc.

Presenters on this online event will be Ms. Marija Ašković Matić, WB6 CIF Project Manager and Mr. Darko Lazarov, President of the Exporters’ Club of the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia.

Please convey your interest in following the online event to the contact person Ivana Krstevska, email:, tel. +389 2 3244051, no later than 22/02/2022 (Tuesday), after which you will receive an email with the link to the event.


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