The economy is what unites us

Thanks to the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Serbia, a joint vaccination of businessmen from the Western Balkans Six economies is being organized in Belgrade today and tomorrow. In a very short time, the members of the Western Balkans Chamber Investment Forum managed to organize a large number of businessmen who responded with gratitude to the invitation for vaccination.

Today’s gathering of businessmen from the region sends a clear message, “the future of the region is a region without borders.”

In a challenging time, such as this we are being faced with, only by relying on each other we can build a future for all of us.

The images sent from Belgrade today prove that the goals and tasks of WB6 CIF are justified and that the creation of a common regional market and strengthening the economies of all countries in the region are key to success.

Although grateful, we hope that the coronavirus pandemic will pass and that there will be no need for such or similar activities in the future. We hope and look forward to the next meetings of businessmen that will be organized on the occasion of the opening of large production plants and the expansion of well-known world brands in the countries of the region.

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