CEFTA Week 2020 Conference Invitation

This year’s CEFTA Week will be different, as the global pandemic has drastically changed our lives. All the CEFTA Week events from 14th till 17th of December will take place virtually, although a small circle of participants and guests will gather at the CEFTA Conference in Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought uncertainty and economic turn down for our economies, but the challenges we have faced opened up new opportunities also. Jointly are achieved significant results during the 2020 CEFTA Chairmanship of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Green Corridors along with Green Lane initiative, launched in April, are an important step in promoting the recovery of CEFTA Parties from COVID-19 and increasing trade growth. Ambitious goals are set for further economic integration in the Action Plan for the Common Regional Market for 2021-2024, adopted a few weeks ago in Sofia, which will require joint efforts to implement our common vision.

CEFTA Conference 2020 will take place on the 17th of December and will bring together representatives of the CEFTA Parties, business community and international organisations. On 17th of December will be discussed not only achievements of the 2020 CEFTA Chairmanship of Bosnia and Herzegovina but will be shared insights into the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and what needs to be done jointly for the further growth and economic recovery of the CEFTA Parties.

The working language of the CEFTA Conference is English but translation will be provided from/to BCS language.

Registration for the event is opened here.


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