Leitl and Cadez call on European businessmen to help Albania

The presidents of the Eurochambres and the WB6 Chamber Investment Forum Managing Board, Christoph Leitl and Marko Cadez, called on the chambers – members of the largest European business association that gathers more than 20 million companies – to help the Albanian population and economy affected by the recent earthquakes.

In a joint letter, expressing their deepest condolences to the families of the dead and empathizing with injured and afflicted in this tragedy, Leitl and Cadez, on behalf of the European and regional economies, appealed for solidarity as the greatest European value, for teamwork and for support in goods and money for those who need it most.

“At a time like this, it is crucial for us to be together in support and solidarity and to show our Albanian friends that they are not alone”, states in the letter of Eurochambres and WB6 Chamber Investment Forum.

Companies from the region have already, on the invitation of the WB6 Chamber Investment Forum engaged in donating assistance in accordance with their capabilities. The current needs are published by the Government of Albania on a dedicated portal: https://e-albania.al/donate.

Earlier, with an invitation to businessmen from the region to participate in the relief effort, Cadez announced that, after the first, urgent support, the next step would be assistance in the reconstruction of destroyed and damaged buildings, in consultation with Albanian institutions and the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania, a founding member of WB6 Chamber Investment Forum.

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