The GIZ – WB6 CIF panel discussion “Mindshift: Digital Transformation for regional value chains”

Representatives of WB6 CIF chambers of commerce  gathered on the occasion of contributing to the panel discussion “Mindshift: Digital Transformation for regional value chains“  on the 23rd of November 2019 at the International Fair Tirana – Palace of Congress. The panel discussion was organized within the project “Increase of Export Potential of SME from the WB6 Region” which started in October 2017, and it is composed of three pillars: Internal Information Exchange Platform, Additional Services for Export Promotion, Support to Establishment of regional Value Chains.  The project is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Open Region Fund Foreign Trade, commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in close cooperation with the chambers of commerce from six Western Balkan economies, members of WB6 Chambers Investment Forum (WB6 CIF).

The panel discussion “Mindshift: Digital Transformation for regional value chains“ was the final aspect on supporting integration/establishment of value chains and participants had the opportunity to hear about the core methodologies behind digital transformation, tools, and metrics used to achieve specific goals and regional projects that used all of the above to digitally transform their businesses and/or business models. After the presentations, the participants had the opportunity to ask in-depth questions relating to their business cases and/or support program in a breakout session with the experts who on this occasion were digital transformation center consultants from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (

The experts are experienced consultants with in-depth practical knowledge in providing consulting services to companies in the Western Balkan region and beyond in the field of digitalization of working processes and value chains, and their effort to provide additional knowledge on discussed topics was recognized by participants of the panel discussion.

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